1MG Group indicators are designed to work across all major markets, including stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, futures, ETFs, energy, and commodities. Whatever your focus, our tools help you trade confidently across a range of asset classes.
No, you don’t. Our tools are fully compatible with all TradingView plans, free or paid, giving you flexibility in how you use them.
While 1MG Group indicators offer valuable insights and signals, no indicator can guarantee a winning trade every time. Trading success depends on various factors, including market conditions, risk management, and capital allocation. Our indicators are crafted to deliver outstanding results, but remember—trading always carries inherent risks.
Absolutely! Our 1MG Group indicators are designed to be intuitive and accessible for both beginners and experienced traders. Plus, our support team is available 24/7 for any questions or guidance you may need—we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Optimal indicator settings vary by asset and time frame. Generally, we advise against using a 1 or 5-minute time frame, especially in volatile or sideways markets. Customize settings based on your strategy to get the most out of your trades.
Yes! We offer an affiliate program with attractive commissions and a dedicated marketing plan. If you’re interested in partnering with us, feel free to reach out—we’d love to work with you.